Friday, August 7, 2009

Black Thumb Gardener Tries Rehab

Good morning!

I am off to Vancouver, Washington to visit one of my best friends for the weekend (yay!), but wanted to share a few pictures and house updates now that I've got a new/borrowed camera to use (still haven't located the one we misplaced in North Dakota.....)

About a week ago I noticed a dire lack of greenery inside the house -- and while flowers are beautiful and make me smile, potted plants last a lot longer and are typically cheaper. However, I suffer from Black Thumb Syndrome...and will admit that I struggle to keep anything with a root ball and leaves alive. So, I trotted around to a couple of local shops -- Ravenna Gardens and, of course, Home Depot -- to see what I could get for a good price that would stay green all year and perhaps not freak out if I missed a week of watering. This newfound confidence in my interior gardening skills has perhaps been bolstered by my recent success with a gorgeous orchid that a friend got me as a housewarming gift. Its flowers have since bloomed and fallen off (which, by the way, is normal and not my fault!), but the base is as green and healthy as ever. Take a look for yourself:

If I continue to "water evenly and place in indirect, filtered sunlight," it should bloom again. So far so good!

The next plant I purchased was an easy choice; I've always loved succulents, and because they need direct, bright sunlight, they are perfect for setting near my kitchen sink as our south-facing backyard gets all-day light. And, I will admit, they are simply a cute plant! And in the adorable little double pot a friend gave me several birthdays ago, I think they are irresistable:

I also got a small plant for the living room -- no clue what kind it is, but I loved the green and cream leaves and the sturdy texture (this one lives in the living room):

And lastly, I think everyone should have at least one herb in their kitchen for cooking with. It makes a world of difference if you add a little fresh rosemary to chicken or dice up fresh chives over a baked potato. For me, basil was my first choice as it's my favorite :) and I can add it to pasta sauce, pasta/orzo salad, caprese salad, etc. YUM!!

So how am I keeping these plants alive and thriving? Well, a very helpful lady at Ravenna Gardens in Kirkland gave me some simple advice:

1. Make sure each plant's soil is consistantly and lightly damp to the touch. If it's been particularly hot out, check more often.

2. Mix an all-purpose plant fertilizer in the water about once a month.

3. Make sure each plant is placed in an area that gets the amount of sunlight reccomended (i.e. not just where it looks best in the house...oops!).

Easy, right? While I'm sure this advice is fairly generic and might not work for some of the more finicky plants out there, it seems to be working brilliantly for my small collection.

Also, I've kept each of those little plastic tags that come tucked into the plastic containers of new plants, and taped them inside a kitchen cupboard. That way, I can refer to them when needed or if one of the plants looks a tad bedraggled, I can check the tag and then see if perhaps it needs to be moved, fertilized, etc.

I'll keep you posted on my progress in Black Thumb Gardner Rehab!


  1. Hi Shanti and Ian
    I just thought I would suggest aqua globes for watering plants. I use them in my more needy plants and the ones that are hard to water. They also look pretty when the sun shines through them.

  2. Thanks Kim! I've seen those at the store but wasn't sure if they worked -- now I'll have to pick up a few :) Thanks for the tip!
